Wednesday 25 October 2017

Gardens and .......dogs!

Last week the weather was forecasted to break. "Better do some work in the garden" we thought.

Cuttings to plant, seedlings to go in

The veggie beds were nearly ready

Just a bit more to do

A lot of dead wood to cut out of the lavender

General tidying

Cutting back

Suki was busy supervising

Planted lettuce, beetroot, broccoli, spinach, rocket, leeks...

Gave everything a watering

During the night there was some rain. Later the next day day I went to check how the plants had settled and found most of them dug up... big holes and furrows... devastation. Spent the morning rescuing what could be rescued and making sure the entrance to the veg patch was well closed off. What had happened? Who was the culprit? We had our suspicions based on large paw prints  - and the fact no one else could have got in.....


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